Weatherwax Prize
John M. Weatherwax, patriarch of one of the pioneer logging families in Grays Harbor, donated the property where his house had stood, for the new Aberdeen High School that was then named for him. Years later, when the estate of J.M Weatherwax was settled certain funds were set aside for “The Weatherwax Prize.”
This was a cash award to the valedictorian and salutatorian of each graduating class at J.M. Weatherwax High School. But after some years the funds set aside had been used up, so the Weatherwax Prize became only a memory until the estate of Marian J. Weatherwax, daughter-in-law of J.M. Weatherwax, had a provision to restore the Weatherwax Prize to: “…provide meaningful scholarships to the valedictorian and salutatorian of each graduating class at J.M. Weatherwax High School.”